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A series of photographs THAT WERE INTENTIONALLY double exposed. Two photographs share the same space AND ARE FIXED. NOTHING HAS BEEN ALTERED IN POST. everything you see is on the original NEGATIVE film.

I took both images in a hotel room in NY. It was a complete accident but I love it. This one I call, "Bulb". It was taken on a 1957 Voightlander 9 x 7 camera.

I took both images arond Times Square NY. The tear is where the camera got jammed but that's ok. This one I call, "mcdonalds". It was taken on a 1957 Voightlander 9 x 7 camera.

I took both images on w 34th Street NY. I had to guess the framing as the camera has no viewfinder or screen. This one I call, "EMPIRE STATE". It was taken on a 1957 Voightlander 9 x 7 camera.

I took both images on w 23rd Street NY. one on the subway and the second outside the chelsea hotel. This one I call, "chelsea hotel". It was taken on a 1957 Voightlander 9 x 7 camera.

I took both IMAGES ON W 58TH STREET NY. one on the subway and the second from my hotel room. I CALL This one, "turnstile". It was taken on a 1957 Voightlander 9 x 7 camera.
© gary young MMXX
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